Saturday 7 February 2009

my last weekend

Every Thursday when I return home I think about what I going to do in this weekend.
in my last weekend I went to Zayed sport city with my classmate to play foot ball and we playied foot ball with some people from Venezuela.
On Saturday Iwent to the cinema and sow the new arabic move it was funny and sad I realy liked it.
thin I went home and get ready for the college next day.

Saturday 15 March 2008

Ibn Battuta

Abu Abdullah Muhammad Ibn Battuta, was an Arabian born in Morocco, he is best known as a traveler and explorer, whose account documents his travels and excursions over a period of almost thirty year. At the age of twenty Ibn Battuta went on hajj.Then he 2nd trip was to Cairo he took a second side trip, to Damascus having encountered a holy man during his first trip who prophesied that Ibn Battuta would only reach Mecca after a journey through Syria.

After this trip, Ibn Battuta returned to Mecca for a 2nd hajj, and lived there for a year before embarking on a 2nd great trek, this time down the Red Sea and the Eastern African coast.